30.03.2021- **.**.2021 (week 1 - week 1 4)

Maizatul Amirah Mahat/0336918
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Task (Excercise/Project)


Week 1: We have a meet and greet session with the lecturers Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul to summarize the first week of lectures. The lecturers are approachable and supportive to the students in the semester. Mr Vinod began the first class by explaining the module and showing us how to get attendance by replying via Facebook. He also gave a brief explanation and update on a few student blogs. He also states that we students would need to install a few applications in order to complete the exercises assigned by the lecturers.

Week 2: 

Practical Exercise:

We began the class by playing a game called 'Bezier game,' which is used to practice using pen tools. Following that, we learned the fundamentals of Illustrator, such as the functions of each unit, creating and arranging each shape, using the knife tool, gradients, pen tools, and so on. We are asked to draw a pear in the style of Chiaroscuro as a means of checking our current illustrator skills.

Figure 1.0 chiaroscuro of a 3D pear [7/4/2021]


Week 3:

Practical Exercise:

Our class began with a simple brief of last class which was creating a shape using pen tool. Then, Mr. Kannan explain today's practical exercise; Masking. I also manage on how to blend the texture onto the object through changing the transparency tool at the same time I experiment the blending.

Figure 2.0 Basic Clipping Mask & Blending [16/4/2021]

My second practical was applying the basic clipping mask and blending on my pear illustration. This is my attempt:

Figure 2.1 Clipping Mask Basic & Blending [16/4/2021]

Lecture: Composition

During lecture session with Ms. Anis, I have learned about types of shots and composition.
This is my tutorial on understanding composition:


Task 1: Vormator Character

Week 1: Ms. Anis Brief on how we should work on this assignment. She introduce us the shapes and show us few example so I myself can understand what I need to do. In the first week, I have started with few sketches:

Figure 1.0 Rough Sketches [6/4/2021]

Week 2: After going through all of my rough sketches, I've decide to do a digital sketch using illustrator. For the first sketch, I randomly play with the 'drop' more and made the character's head more pop up. The second sketch, I was basically trying to get that ninja theme character by implementing more on the 'chevron' to create an edgy look o the character. And for the third sketch, I was inspired by a gaming style character. Its more well-put together and I play with more vormator elements. I have also made a greyscale just to to further highlight the character formation:

Figure 1.1 Illustration Sketches [9/4/2021]

Week 3: I have shown my progression to Ms. Anis. There are few feedbacks that have been shared to me. The first character was fine, she mentioned that its cute and the head piece was good except for the body part of the character was a too less and dull. The ninja looking character lower body part does not seem to work well. As for the third character, it is the best out of the other two. So I have decided to work on the third character. This is my progression on week 3:

Figure 1.1 Illustration Sketches [15/4/2021]

I have made some adjustment by adding more elements and tweak certain part of the character based on my lecturer's feedbacks. Then, I have chosen warm bright colour for my character. It helps to bring out a fiery personality to my character.

Task 2: Background Design

As for my character card design, I have few inspiration from the galaxy theme. 
Figure 2.0 Inspiration [22/4/2021]

This was a rough Idea on how I want to place certain elements in my canvas. I wanted to know where the light comes in and how the layers well put in and how many point of perspective. 
Figure 2.1 Rough sketch [22/4/2021]

The next day, I have done few experiments on how to create shadow, glows and recap back on how to mask and blend subjects.
Figure 2.2 progression [23/4/2021]

Uses of path, offset path
Figure 2.3 progression [23/4/2021]

Placement of Background, Midground, and Foreground.
Figure 2.4 progression [23/4/2021]
Adding more details.
Figure 2.5 progression [23/4/2021]

Adding more details.
Figure 2.5 Final progression with character [25/4/2021]

Figure 2.6 Final Artwork_Landscape Background [26/4/2021]

Task 3: Character Card Design

I have done some visual research and I have chosen to use this theme.
Figure 3.0 Visual research  on Pinterest [27/4/2021]

I have lessen some elements in the canvas and add more texture to make the background looks better.
Figure 3.1 Progression [28/4/2021]

Figure 3.1 Final Artwork_Card Design [30/4/2021]


Week 1 (01/04/2021)
No feedback

Week 2 (08/04/2021)
General Feedback : Overall, it is a good design character also it is balanced.
Specific Feedback : Add in colour.

Week 3 (15/04/2021)
General Feedback : Overall, the colour pick is good.
Specific Feedback: Add in a little more details
  • Add in belt, reference from the ultra-man

Week 4 (22/04/2021)
General Feedback : Ms. Anis mentioned the background design is nice. Card design is also good. 
Specific Feedback : Ms. Anis reminded me to put in caption on the card game design.


Through out the weeks, I have learned a lot on how to use Adobe Illustrator. In Week 2 class was a bit up bringing with fun games and challenges that well related to our activity . Me and my classmate has been assigned to create an illustration of a pear with our lecture. I've learned how to use slice tool as well as pen tool to create the shape of the pear. although my hand were pretty shaky, I have handled it well until the end of the activity. Soon, we study the shape of animated character. During this session, I've learn to understand shapes of character that correlated to their personality. To understand all the lecture on that day was pretty challenging, however I've manage to adapt to the studies thanks to our lectures. The following week, I discovered on how to imply texture that was thought by Mr Kannan. I also manage to learn composition, perspective and other few rules in design that was taught by Ms Anis. I appreciate each and every lesson that have been taught. I hope it will help me out for the up coming project.


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