23/8/2021 - */*/2021 / Week 1 - Week 14
Maizatul Amirah Mahat (0336918)
BA Mass Communication (Digital Media Production) /Taylor's University
Project & Assessments - Mr Fauzi Yusoff

Week 1

DPI MIB_23/8/2021

Task 1

List down your 3 favorite graphic design work from Pinterest. Explain why you like the designs?

Design #1:

Description: Photo Manipulation Book Flipping Face By Stina Walfridsson. This image manipulation of the flipbook in between the model gives its unique touch. I like the elegance; the soft touch on the neck and shoulder, the facial expression. Everything looks so neat. Keep it simple, less is usually more.

Design #2:

Description: Victoria Villasana, a Mexican textile artist, creates stunning work. Her colour scheme, as well as the installation's final elements, are just gorgeous. The needle work gives it more volume and color. I love how it focuses on enhancing contemporary mixed techniques. This creativity made me fall in love with embroidery on fabric and took the technique to different media, such as photography.

Design #3: 

Description: This is one of my favorite pieces on Pinterest by Ricky Linn. Very interesting approach - looks a bit like it has too many elements but nevertheless good composition and nice work. I love all her collage art. She's an amazing artist. Her art style is unique, it attracted me from the first time I laid my eyes on the art work.

Week 2

Task 2

1. Choose and identify your collage's design elements to be cut out and compose it into your own concept & story.

2. Pre compositing your collage's design elements into a composition.


3. Take 3 photo of your collage pre-composition  and insert it on the section below





Throughout the weeks, I have managed to learn what I'll be going through in this module. Mr. Fauzi thoroughly briefed us students about Digital Photography and Imgaing. We all started in understanding design and being free through creativity. It was a great experience getting to be back to collage, glue and scissor.


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