23/8/2021 - */*/2021 / Week 1 - Week 14
Maizatul Amirah Mahat (0336918)
BA Mass Communication (Digital Media Production) /Taylor's University
Project & Assessments - Mr. Fauzi Yusoff

Week 10

This practical assessment is for us to understand Adobe After Effect and how to link Photoshop files into After Effect.

I've downloaded the specific file to animate it in After Effects.

On After Effects, I've learned how to set up the composition and import files.

After importing all the files, I try out the effect and set up the keyframes to make a looping motion.

In the next step, I've thought myself to pre-compose the edited clips and add some effects and re-adjust the color.

So now it's time to render and upload on Youtube.

Final Product.


This week, Mr. Fauzi asks us to explore After Effects. He thought us the fundamentals and general function of that software. Mr. Fauzi greatly assists us in producing video demonstrations by demonstrating each process from animation to exporting. There are a few struggles as am I not fully familiar with after effects but what has been thought really helped me to complete my tutorials. 


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