5/10/21 - 19/10/21 / Week 7 - Week 9
Maizatul Amirah Mahat (0336918)
BA Mass Communication (Digital Media Production) /Taylor's University
Interactive Design / Project 2 - Microsite Design


Project 2: Microsite Design

Site Map

3. Microsite Design Draft Stage

During this stage, I've started with all the 5 html blank page;

After that, I've put information on it so I can see a clear vision on how each and every page will look like and this is one of my progress example;

[Week 8 microsite design sketches overview]

4. Microsite Final


During this week, I have managed to create webpage mockups and I am satisfied with the aesthetic. This part might be the easier part compared to my upcoming task for this module. I believe using Adobe Dreamweaver to construct the site will be the most challenging but I believe that there is still space for growth and improvements. To avoid lots of issues, I have to make sure the design isn't too intricate.


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