23/8/2021 - 28/12/2021 / Week 1 - Week 14
Maizatul Amirah Mahat (0336918)
BA Mass Communication (Digital Media Production) /Taylor's University

Project & Assessments - Mr. Fauzi Yusoff

Week 11

In this week task; we are assigned to develop an idea based on our 'SELF-TITLED' 

part 1: Biography

part 2: Statement

After gathering all the information about myself, I gathered a few posters as references for my Idea.


Digital Progression.

Final Poster.

Final Video.


14 weeks have gone by, and this module has taught me a lot. I am grateful to Mr. Fauzi for being really patient with me. throughout my progress, this project really does give me nuts as I keep on self-doubting myself in terms of what I should do or if my design is worth enough to be graded, that has brought me to an idea that inspires me from my 'Self-doubt'.  From one step to another, there are always things that scare me, but I kept on going, thanks again to Mr, Fauzi for being there through my lost and found journey and picking me up, and giving me more awsome ideas that I could start to work on. My first process of ideation was not going well but throughout the process, I have new ideas to work on and I am happy with the results. 


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